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At Alliant International University, we’ve been proud tobe a truly international school. 然而,时过境迁,我们的关注点又回到了加州.

此时此刻, we are no longer hosting international psychology programs in Hong Kong or Tokyo, Japan, 我们不再招收新学生参加这些项目.

如果你目前正在这些项目中, know that you will receive the same high standard of education you would receive from Alliant under any circumstance. You are, just like our other graduates, a part of the Alliant family forever.

如果你是这些项目的在校生, 各网站的网页仍可在此找到:


Hong Kong


这标志着Alliant一个时代的结束, 我们想在你的项目期间向你保证, you can expect the same institutional excellence you have received throughout your time in the program. As this final student cohort works its way towards the commencement stage you all will have access to every educational resource you would have as if the program was still accepting new entries, and that we will be there for you as if nothing has changed as this program teaches itself out to completion.

我们仍然为我们教过的学生感到无比自豪, 我们为这个领域准备的专业人员, and the lives we have changed through the educational journey offered at Alliant, 不管我们在哪个国家, 我们感谢你成为阿连特大家庭的一员.

NOTE: If you are currently enrolled in this program the information you may be looking for is still listed below.


The curriculum provides training in the scientific foundations of psychology, research, 临床理论, 以及从业者所需要的动手技能. The PsyD dissertation is meant to demonstrate the student’s ability to think critically about clinical and social issues and to make appropriate use of scientific knowledge and psychological research in professional practice.

The clinical psychology PsyD program is designed to be completed in four years, 结合一学期的面对面课程, 密集的面对面课程, 一学期的在线课程, semester-long blended courses (some instruction face to face and some instruction online), 并监督现场工作. 时间表的设计是为了适应工作的专业人士. 教学人员来自美国的CSPP教师.S. 以及香港的专业心理学界.

阅读更多关于这个程序 大学目录.


This program is governed by the Non-local Higher and Professional Education (Regulation) Ordinance (ref no. 461589). It is a matter of discretion for individual employers to recognize any qualification to which this program may lead.

这个项目不被APA认可. APA不授予美国以外的任何学术项目认证. Students who complete the program successfully will be eligible for individual APA membership. They will also be eligible for taking the licensure examination if the required hours for both pre and post-doctoral are fulfilled.

This program meets the guidelines for defining a doctoral degree in psychology as implemented by the ASPPB/National Register Designation Project. Therefore, a graduate of this designated program who decides to apply for licensure as a psychologist typically will meet the jurisdictional educational requirements for licensing. However, 个别情况有所不同, and there are additional requirements that must be satisfied prior to becoming licensed as a psychologist. Please contact the state or provincial or territorial licensing board in the jurisdiction in which you plan to apply for exact information. Additional information including links to jurisdictions is available on the ASPPB website:

一次授权, a graduate of a designated program is eligible to apply for credentialing as a health service provider in psychology by the National Register of Health Service Providers in Psychology. Graduation from a designated program typically ensures that the program completed meets the educational requirements for the National Register credential. However, 个别情况有所不同, and there are additional requirements that must be satisfied prior to being credentialed by the National Register of Health Service Providers in Psychology and listed on the FindaPsychologist.组织数据库. Doctoral students may apply to have their credentials banked and reviewed prior to licensure. For further information about the National Psychologist’s trainee register and the National Register application process, 咨询国家注册网站:


School of Continuing and Professional Education, City University of Hong Kong






这标志着Alliant一个时代的结束, 我们想在你的项目期间向你保证, you can expect the same institutional excellence you have received throughout your time in the program. As this final student cohort works its way towards the commencement stage you all will have access to every educational resource you would have as if the program was still accepting new entries, and that we will be there for you as if nothing has changed as this program teaches itself out to completion.

我们为我们教过的学生感到无比自豪, 我们为这个领域准备的专业人员, and the lives we have changed through the educational journey offered at Alliant, 不管我们在哪个国家, 我们感谢你成为阿连特大家庭的一员.


非常感谢你成为阿连特大家庭的一员, 感谢你选择和我们一起踏上这段教育之旅, and for being the next in the long line of global agents of change that we are proud to have produced here at Alliant International University.