
While your first nursing education track (like a BSN or ASN program) will teach you most of the clinical nursing skills you’ll need to provide quality care to patients, highly effective nurses almost always show proficiency in additional “soft skills.” 

软技能——定义你如何与团队互动和支持团队的特质, 领导人, 医疗保健组织在医疗保健中是必不可少的.1 Since your nursing education program will cover countless “hard skills” (like administering medication and handling a code), 在本指南中, 我们将为所有人分解六个软关键技能 护士的种类 进入今天的临床环境. 



作为一个护理专业的学生, your nursing competency checklist may be crucial but so is your ability to demonstrate these competencies in the real-world healthcare environment. A hiring manager seeks not only a healthcare professional with technical prowess but also someone who exhibits strong emotional and social capacity. The hiring manager evaluating your application will be keen on identifying candidates who not only possess the requisite technical knowledge but also showcase adaptability, 批判性思维, 以及对持续学习的承诺. A successful nurse has already developed the ability to work under supervision and pressure while being prepared to take on more responsibilities that come with the nursing profession. 因此,虽然NCLEX将测试你的技术技能和知识, 成功的护士还应努力培养以下软技能. 

# 1适应性

因为这是基于证据的实践, 护理(包括其程序和标准)可能会发生变化. One example was the increased prevalence of putting patients on ventilators during the COVID-19 pandemic—a practice that, 虽然有证据支持了一段时间, 直到最近几年才被广泛采用.2

Nurses must be adaptable when standards, procedures, and best practices change. While they’re encouraged to think critically about how updates will impact their patients, nurses must be willing to consider new evidence and adjust their care accordingly. 

2 .渴望学习新技术

就像程序和标准一样,护理技术也会迅速变化. Hospitals and healthcare innovators are constantly working on 太ls that can improve patient care—some examples include:3

  • 智能床和电子电梯
  • 自动静脉注射泵
  • Point-of-care technologies like handheld tablets and digital charting software

随着令人兴奋的新技术出现在病床上, 护士必须愿意接受(并学习如何使用)这些工具. On-the-job training and continuing education courses can help nurses gain proficiency. 



As a registered nurse, advocacy may become part of your professional nursing career. 在医院和其他临床环境中, 你可能会遇到这样的情况:

  • 你的病人 -如果病人没有能力对自己的健康做出决定, you and the care team may have to present treatment options and recommendations to their next of kin to ensure they receive the highest level of care. 
  • 你的团队 -如果你从事管理护理工作, 你需要确保你的团队拥有这些工具, 支持, 以及他们茁壮成长所需要的指导. 
  • 你自己 -在你的医疗生涯中, 你必须成为自己最好的支持者,才能得到你所需要的支持, 太.

# 4沟通

While communication is a key soft skill in any industry, healthcare communications are unique. 他们是:

  • 系统的 – Nearly every clinical setting has established communication protocols and hierarchies.
  • 非常高效。 – In a high-intensity scenario (like a code), sharing information quickly and accurately is critical. 
  • 记录 -大多数与患者相关的对话或口头警告将被绘制成图表, 所以你的信息应该清晰而专业. 

幸运的是,沟通技巧相对容易提高. 不要犹豫,去问你的导师, 实习协调员, 或负责护士的反馈和提示. 

# 5移情

Caring for patients and interacting with their families demands a unique level of empathy—the ability to sense others’ emotions and put yourself in their shoes. Nurses who struggle with any of the following may want to consider how compassion could help them overcome these challenges:

  • 传递坏消息 -如果你必须向病人或他们的家人传达坏消息, 考虑一下你希望听到的信息.
  • 与病人沟通 – If you struggle to connect with your patients or provide a soothing bedside manner, 如果你是一名病人,想象一下角色的颠倒, what kinds of conversations would make you feel at ease in a clinical setting?
  • 管理难缠的病人 -如果你无法耐心对待拒绝治疗的人, 违抗指令, 或者总是心情不好, put yourself in their shoes to try to find (and soothe) the root of their defiance or low morale. 

# 6弹性

所有 护理水平 要求高、节奏快、有挑战性. Whether you craft a helpful mantra for dealing with challenges or seek emotional 支持 from peers, 你必须想办法直面困难, 困难来了就解决, 在挫折后重新振作. 


我们之前提到过询问你的导师, 监事, 或者向同事寻求工作上的建议, 护士也可以通过继续教育来提高他们的临床技能. Some continuing education opportunities for nurses that help with the nurse competency checklist and clinical skills may include:

  • 职场研讨会和网络研讨会 
  • 针对特定设备、软件或工艺的培训课程
  • 软技能研讨会和培训课程
  • 高级学位课程 

以上所有选项都可以帮助你更多地了解护理专业, 在日常工作中变得更加熟练, 并获得软技能——所有这些都可以帮助你提供高质量的护理. 



如果你想提高你的护理技能, 考虑投资灵活的护理教育,比如 护理学学士学位 程序(BSN)或 护理学硕士直接入学课程 (MSN-direct entry) at 阿连特国际大学

Our nursing school's BSN program is ideal for nursing students looking for valuable time with nurse educators to learn from. 另一方面, our MSN-direct entry program allows nursing students who have a bachelor’s degree in a related field to dive headfirst into the field of nursing. +, 拥有众多的校园和在线学习机会, 阿连特国际大学 is making career advancement through quality education more accessible than ever before. 

请求的信息 beat365手机版官方网站今天的护理项目. 


  1. 将肯特市. 什么是软技能? 定义、重要性和例子.“Investopedia. 2022年7月2日. http://www.investopedia.com/terms/s/soft-skills.asp. 2023年2月14日访问.
  2. “在COVID-19期间.宾夕法尼亚大学医学院. 2021年3月10日. http://www.pennmedicine.org/updates/blogs/penn-physician-blog/2020/may..。. 2023年2月14日访问. 
  3. 改善病人护理的10项最佳护理技术.Gale医疗保健解决方案. 2022年2月24日. http://galehealthcaresolutions.com/10-best-nursing-technologies-for-im..。. 2023年2月14日访问. 




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