
在这个分裂的时代, 很少有我们能达成一致的社会要求, 我们可以——作为一个集体的捍卫者——支持他们. One of these imperatives serves a call to action: to ensure that every single child in this nation have access to a quality education. Alliant的校友Evelyn Serrano曾经说过, “如果你是一个活动家, do this…be a teacher;” today—in honor of National Teacher’s Day—we echo that call, 我们承诺帮助任何人、每个人响应这一号召.

The simple fact is that this nation is suffering through one of the most severe teacher shortage crises in recent memory—a crisis which disproportionally affects the most disadvantaged populations. 如果我们袖手旁观,危机将会恶化,贫富差距将会加深.

Half of all schools—and 90% of high-poverty schools—are struggling to find qualified 特殊教育 老师和, 据《beat365手机版官方网站》报道, “高度贫困的学校通常由轮换的代课老师组成.“如果我们要真正成为一个公平的国度, 我们必须从最重要的公共资源之一开始:教育.


与大多数国家危机一样,我们必须首先问自己,我们是如何走到今天这一步的. 这是一个很难回答的问题, we have turned to the Learning Policy Institute to help identify three of the main factors that have led us down this path.

  1. 恢复率

在大萧条时期, districts were forced to cut classes and programs and increase their pupil-teacher ratios. Districts are now looking to reinstate these classes and programs which would “require hiring an additional 145,000名教师, 在标准招聘需求之上, to reduce average pupil-teacher ratios from the current 16-to-1 to pre-recession ratios of 15.3 to 1.”

  1. 摩擦

在这种情况下,人员流失是需要克服的最大障碍之一. 全国失业率接近8%, attrition in the teaching field is responsible for the largest share of demand.  “教师队伍仍然是一个漏水的桶, losing hundreds of thousands of teachers each year—the majority of them before retirement age. Changing attrition would change the projected shortages more than any other single factor.”

  1. 一代成长

在经历了过去十年相对平稳的beat365手机版官方网站增长之后, the National Center for 教育 Statistics (NCES) predicts the school-going population will increase by roughly three million students in the next decade.”


我们已经研究了原因,现在让我们讨论一下解决方法. 我们可以解决这场危机背后的三个原因中的两个. 代际增长将永远存在, but we can do our part to reinstate pupil-teacher ratios by ensuring that teacher preparation programs are accessible and successful in preparing qualified teachers to lead the classroom; and we can address attrition by providing professional development and support to ensure that teachers can stay in their classrooms and continue making an impact in their students’ lives. This is exactly what Alliant is doing in 加州, and it is what we will be doing in Arizona. 我们正在听取行动的呼吁,我们正在扩大我们的影响.

根据亚利桑那州的学习政策研究所, 62% of school districts had unfilled teaching positions three months into the school year in 2013-14. 在同一学年, 接近1,000名教师 were on substitute 凭证—a 29% increase from the previous year. With one of the highest turnover rates of any state and 24% of the teacher workforce eligible to retire by the end of 2018, 亚利桑那州未来的前景将继续短缺.”

亚利桑那州正在正面解决短缺问题. Governor Doug Ducey has pledged a 20% raise for teachers by 2020 and there have been fervent calls f或者一个 renewed and fortified commitment to invest in public schools. 现在,Alliant也加入了进来.


In August, the first cohort of new Arizona teachers will begin their coursework in our 亚利桑那州教师培训计划. We have been approved by the Arizona School Board of 教育 (ASBE) to offer an Alternative Certification Pathway leading to an 小学 或者一个 二次 教师认证. Candidates in the program may also earn a concurrent 教育学硕士 (MAE) in Teaching.

我们的课程提供在线课程和指导的实践培训, 他们可以在短短12个月内完成, 候选人将在教学和磨练技能的同时赚取收入, and Alliant will provide the professional development needed to address attrition through our In-Service Academy (ISA) which provides 继续教育 并为每位校友提供毕业后两年的支持.

今年秋天, we will welcome a new generation of educators who will transform the lives of children across the state of Arizona. We will welcome those who wish to embark upon a journey to a meaningful and fulfilling career of impact. And, we will welcome a generation of advocates, heeding the call to ensure equity in education. 在Alliant,我们的愿景是一个由Alliant校友授权的包容性世界. 今年秋天, we will welcome the future teachers who will bring this vision to life.

教育实际上是一种倡导,它伴随着行动的呼唤. 作为一个国家,作为一个社会,我们正处于危机之中. 让我们一起面对吧. 让我们一起解决它. Let’s fulfill a promise that was made upon the founding of this nation and let’s give every single child the opportunity to prosper.






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